===================================================================== Subscwrypts + Environment Inheritance --- Release Notes ------------------------ - added support for environment inheritance - added support for arbitrarily nested scripts (subscwrypts) - added support for CI mode - improved modularity of zsh/utils module - refactored to move some data from ~/.config/scwrypts to ~/.local/share/scwrypts - refactored various scripts to use new subscwrypt api --- New Scripts -------------------------- zsh ) - db/interactive/postgres - aws/rds/interactive-login
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# ZSH Scwrypts
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Since they emulate direct user interaction, shell scripts are often the straightforward choice for task automation.
## Basic Utilities
One of my biggest pet-peeves with scripting is when every line of a *(insert-language-here)* program is escaped to shell.
This kind of program, which doesn't use language features, should be a shell script.
While there are definitely unavoidable limitations to shell scripting, we can minimize a variety of problems with a modern shell and shared utilities library.
Loaded by `common.zsh`, the [`utils/` library](./utils) provides:
- common function wrappers to unify flags and context
- lazy dependency and environment variable validation
- consistent (and pretty) user input / output