--- Changes ------------------------------
- scwrypts runner has new arguments
-q/--quiet allows quiet-mode operation while still logging to logfiles
-v/--verbose forces verbose mode
--version longform required (-v is now for "verbose" mode)
- scwrypts runner now auto-detects certain CLI usage, running in quiet,
logged mode if pattern match successfully identifies a single scwrypt
(or when using --name); use --verbose to override this behavior
- 'k exec' no longer requires double '--' if a '--' comes after
- old : k exec -it my-pod-0 -- -- /bin/sh
+ new : k exec -it my-pod-0 -- /bin/sh
+ still works : k -- exec -it my-pod-0 -- /bin/sh
--- Bug Fixes ----------------------------
- fixed various plugins/kubectl auto-completion settings; arguments
after '--' or profile number (e.g. 'k 1 get deployments') will now
appropriately autocomplete in the indicated profile
- helm template functions now work on related .tpl files as well
(renders from chart root)
- fixed some goofy UTF-8 icons in zsh/lib/utils/io
--- New Features -------------------------
- (experimental) scwrypts zsh plugin for interactive command selection
(like CTRL+SPACE), but allows you to build command arguments,
providing help dialogue for the selected command
--- New Scripts --------------------------
- zsh/misc/tally ) helps keep tally-counts of things; helpful when
running long scripts "what iteration am I on"
--- Changes ------------------------------
- kubectl driver updates; getting better, but still need to fix
autocomplete in certain circumstances
- added -y|--yes flags to scwrypts to auto-accept user-prompts (use with
- figured out the whole mikefarah/yq vs kislyuk/yq thing; use YQ for
--- Bug fixes ----------------------------
- helm template generation now loads values in a more appropriate order
which prevents overwrite by the wrong values file
--- Changes ------------------------------
- Adjusted USAGE (from zsh/lib/utils/io.zsh) to allow dynamic variable
insertion in help dialogues by setting USAGE__<help-group> and using
the syntax listed
- Various quality-of-life changes and and fixes to experimental kubectl
--- Bug fixes ----------------------------
- sourcing 'scwrypts.plugin.zsh' no longer sets __SCWRYPT=1 in your
current environment
--- New Features -------------------------
- Introducing an optional plugin for `kubectl` facilitation! Check out
'plugins/kubectl/README.md' for more details.
--- Changes ------------------------------
- The function which lists all available scwrypts now ignores
directories with a top-level base called "plugins." If this is a name
conflict, you will need to define your own
(ref the changes in 'zsh/lib/scwrypts/run.module.zsh')