6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
6c546ebb6f v3.1.0

--- Changes ------------------------------

- improved capability of py/discord/post-message to include username
  flag, and defaults for each value in env config
2023-06-24 07:40:31 -06:00
76a746a53e v3.0.0 "The Great Overhaul"

Notice the major version change which comes with breaking changes to
2.x! Reconstructs "library" functions for both python and zsh scwrypts,
with changes to virtualenv naming conventions (you'll need to refresh
all virtualenv with the appropriate scwrypt).

--- Changes ------------------------------

- changed a naming convention across zsh scripts, particularly
  removing underscores where there is no need to avoid naming clash
  (e.g. 'zsh/lib/utils/io.zsh' renames '__STATUS' to 'STATUS')

- moved clients reliant on py.lib.http to the py.lib.http module

- python scripts now rely on py.lib.scwrypts.execute

- updated package.json in zx scripts to include `type = module`

- 'scwrypts --list' commandline argument now includes additional
  relevant data for each scwrypt

- environment variables no longer add themselves to be staged in the

--- New Features -------------------------

- new 'use' syntax for disjoint import within zsh scripts; took me
  a very long time to convince myself this would be necessary

- introduced scwrypt "groups" to allow portable module creation;
  (i.e. ability add your own scripts from another repo!)

- py.lib.scwrypts.io provides a combined IO stream for quick, hybrid
  use of input/output files and stdin/stdout

- py.lib.fzf provides a wrapper to provide similar functionality to
  zsh/utils/io.zsh including fzf_(head|tail)

- improved efficiency of various scwrypts; notably reducing runtime
  of scwrypts/environment sync

- improved scwrypts CLI by adding new options for exact scwrypt
  matching, better filtering, and prettier/more-detailed interfaces

--- New Scripts --------------------------

- py/twilio )
    basic SMS integration with twilio
     - send-sms

- py/directus )
    interactive directus GET query
     - get-items

- py/discord )
    post message to discord channel or webhook
     - post-message
2023-06-21 20:04:30 -06:00
7617c938b1 v2.8.0

--- Changes ------------------------------

- python library functions moved to `py/lib`
- python scwrypts renamed in kebob-case to help prevent import
- __name__ == '__main__' enforced on all python scwrypts

--- New Features -------------------------

- `__override` variables now allow values to be force-overwritten
- py.lib.http.client provides a slim `requests.request` wrapper

--- New Scripts --------------------------

py/data/convert )
  quick data converters
   - csv-to-json
   - csv-to-yaml
   - json-to-csv
   - json-to-yaml
   - yaml-to-csv
   - yaml-to-json

py/linear )
  uses the linear.app graphql API for PM tasks
   - comment

--- Bug Fixes ----------------------------

- `scwrypts` handles arguments with quotes and special characters
2023-02-13 21:57:17 -07:00
e8bb889789 v2.2.0

--- New Scripts --------------------------

zsh )
  amazon EKS
   - aws/eks/login

--- Changes ------------------------------

- moved global .config to global/config.zsh
- moved various global configurations to global/

--- Bug Fixes ----------------------------

- REDIS_AUTH no longer required to attempt connection
- global configurations now propagate to non-zsh scripts
2022-08-09 13:18:41 -06:00
eaefc99774 v2.0.0

Subscwrypts + Environment Inheritance

--- Release Notes ------------------------

- added support for environment inheritance
- added support for arbitrarily nested scripts (subscwrypts)
- added support for CI mode

- improved modularity of zsh/utils module

- refactored to move some data from ~/.config/scwrypts to ~/.local/share/scwrypts

- refactored various scripts to use new subscwrypt api

--- New Scripts --------------------------

zsh )
  - db/interactive/postgres
  - aws/rds/interactive-login
2022-07-01 22:17:15 -06:00
bffd64051c v1.0.0

Finally decided to port personal scripts into a standalone library.

--- Release Notes ------------------------

- added support for python, zsh, and zx scripts
- added support for "interactive" scripts which drop the user to a REPL
- added support for passing arguments to commands
- added support for python/node virtualenv management through scwrypts
- added contributing and usage docs
- updated zsh plugin to write commands to history
- licensed under GPLv3

--- New Scripts --------------------------

zsh/scwrypts )
  - configure
  - environment/copy
  - environment/delete
  - environment/edit
  - environment/synchronize
  - logs/clear
  - logs/view

zsh )
  - aws/ecr/login
  - aws/efs/mount
  - aws/efs/unmount
  - aws/route53/backup
  - aws/s3/media-sync/pull
  - aws/s3/media-sync/push

python )
  - redis/interactive
2022-07-01 22:16:50 -06:00