- updated python scwrypts API to use latest pattern established in the nodejs library
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class MissingFlagAndEnvironmentVariableError(EnvironmentError, ArgumentError):
class MissingScwryptsExecutableError(EnvironmentError):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(f'scwrypts must be installed and available on your PATH')
super().__init__('scwrypts must be installed and available on your PATH')
class BadScwryptsLookupError(ValueError):
@ -5,44 +5,54 @@ from subprocess import run
from .exceptions import MissingScwryptsExecutableError, BadScwryptsLookupError, MissingScwryptsGroupOrTypeError
def scwrypts(*args, patterns=None, name=None, group=None, _type=None, log_level=None):
def scwrypts(patterns=None, args=None, executable_args=None, name=None, group=None, _type=None):
top-level scwrypts invoker from python
- patterns allows for pattern-based scwrypt lookup
- name/group/type allos for precise-match lookup
patterns str / list pattern-based scwrypt lookup
args str / list arguments forwarded to the invoked scwrypt
executable_args str / list arguments for the 'scwrypts' executable
(str above assumes space-delimited values)
*args should be a list of strings and is forwarded to the
invoked scwrypt
name str exact scwrypt lookup name (requires group and _type)
group str exact scwrypt lookup group
_type str exact scwrypt lookup type
SCWRYPTS_EXECUTABLE configuration variable which defines the full path to scwrypts executable
see 'scwrypts --help' for more information
executable = which('scwrypts')
if executable is None:
raise MissingScwryptsExecutableError()
if patterns is None and name is None:
raise BadScwryptsLookupError()
pre_args = []
if name is None:
pre_args += patterns
pre_args += ['--name', name, '--group', group, '--type', _type]
if group is None or _type is None:
if name is not None and (group is None or _type is None):
raise MissingScwryptsGroupOrTypeError(group, _type)
if log_level is not None:
pre_args += ['--log-level', log_level]
executable = which(getenv('SCWRYPTS_EXECUTABLE', 'scwrypts'))
if executable is None:
raise MissingScwryptsExecutableError()
lookup = _parse(patterns) if name is None else f'--name {name} --group {group} --type {_type}'
depth = getenv('SUBSCWRYPT', '')
if depth != '':
depth = int(depth) + 1
return run(
f'SUBSCWRYPT={depth} {executable} {" ".join(pre_args)} -- {" ".join(args)}',
f'SUBSCWRYPT={depth} {executable} {_parse(executable_args)} {lookup} -- {_parse(args)}',
def _parse(string_or_list_args):
if string_or_list_args is None:
return ''
if isinstance(string_or_list_args, list):
return ' '.join(string_or_list_args)
return str(string_or_list_args)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
from random import choice
from re import search
from string import ascii_letters, digits
from types import SimpleNamespace
from unittest.mock import patch
from pytest import fixture, raises
from scwrypts.test import get_generator
from .exceptions import MissingScwryptsExecutableError, BadScwryptsLookupError, MissingScwryptsGroupOrTypeError
from .scwrypts import scwrypts
def test_scwrypts(sample, _scwrypts):
assert validate_scwrypts_output(sample, _scwrypts)
def test_scwrypts_finds_system_executable(sample, _scwrypts, mock_which):
def test_scwrypts_uses_configured_executable_path(_scwrypts, mock_getenv):
mock_getenv.assert_any_call('SCWRYPTS_EXECUTABLE', 'scwrypts')
def test_scwrypts_uses_correct_depth(_scwrypts, mock_getenv):
mock_getenv.assert_any_call('SUBSCWRYPT', '')
def test_scwrypts_runs_subprocess(_scwrypts, mock_run):
def test_scwrypts_omit_optionals(sample, _scwrypts_omit_optionals):
assert validate_scwrypts_output(sample, _scwrypts_omit_optionals)
def test_scwrypts_omit_optionals_finds_system_executable(sample, _scwrypts_omit_optionals, mock_which):
def test_scwrypts_omit_optionals_uses_configured_executable_path(_scwrypts_omit_optionals, mock_getenv):
mock_getenv.assert_any_call('SCWRYPTS_EXECUTABLE', 'scwrypts')
def test_scwrypts_omit_optionals_uses_correct_depth(_scwrypts_omit_optionals, mock_getenv):
mock_getenv.assert_any_call('SUBSCWRYPT', '')
def test_scwrypts_omit_optionals_runs_subprocess(_scwrypts_omit_optionals, mock_run):
def test_invalid_lookup_missing_patterns_and_name(sample):
sample.patterns = None
sample.name = None
with raises(BadScwryptsLookupError):
def test_invalid_name_lookup_missing_group(sample):
sample.group = None
with raises(MissingScwryptsGroupOrTypeError):
def test_invalid_name_lookup_missing_type(sample):
sample._type = None # pylint: disable=protected-access
with raises(MissingScwryptsGroupOrTypeError):
def test_invalid_scwrypts_installation(sample, mock_which):
mock_which.return_value = None
with raises(MissingScwryptsExecutableError):
generate = get_generator({
'str_length_minimum': 8,
'str_length_maximum': 128,
'character_set': ascii_letters + digits + '/-_'
def _generate_str_or_list_arg():
random_arg = generate(list, {'data_types': {str}})
return random_arg if choice([str, list]) == list else ' '.join(random_arg)
def fixture_sample():
sample = SimpleNamespace(
patterns = _generate_str_or_list_arg(),
args = _generate_str_or_list_arg(),
executable_args = _generate_str_or_list_arg(),
name = generate(str),
group = generate(str),
_type = generate(str),
executable = generate(str),
env = {
'SCWRYPTS_EXECUTABLE': generate(str),
'SUBSCWRYPT': str(generate(int, {'minimum': 1, 'maximum': 99})),
returncode = generate(int),
stdout = generate(str),
stderr = generate(str),
return sample
def get_scwrypts_args(sample):
return {
key: getattr(sample, key)
for key in [
@fixture(name='mock_which', autouse=True)
def fixture_mock_which(sample):
with patch('scwrypts.scwrypts.scwrypts.which') as mock:
mock.return_value = sample.executable
yield mock
@fixture(name='mock_getenv', autouse=True)
def fixture_mock_getenv(sample):
with patch('scwrypts.scwrypts.scwrypts.getenv') as mock:
mock.side_effect = sample.env.get
yield mock
@fixture(name='mock_run', autouse=True)
def fixture_mock_run(sample):
with patch('scwrypts.scwrypts.scwrypts.run') as mock:
mock.side_effect = lambda *args, **_kwargs: SimpleNamespace(
args = args,
returncode = sample.returncode,
stdout = sample.stdout,
stderr = sample.stderr,
yield mock
def fixture_scwrypts(sample):
return scwrypts(**get_scwrypts_args(sample))
def fixture_scwrypts_omit_optionals(sample):
sample.args = None
sample.executable_args = None
del sample.env['SCWRYPTS_EXECUTABLE']
del sample.env['SUBSCWRYPT']
return scwrypts(**get_scwrypts_args(sample))
def validate_scwrypts_output(sample, output):
# I would love to use 'assert _scwrypts == SimpleNamespace(...expected...)'
# but the output.args is difficult to recreate without copying all the
# processing logic over from the scwrypts function
# opting for a bit of a strange equality test here, checking the args
# as closely as possible without copying parsing logic
run_args_reduced_to_a_single_string = len(output.args) == 1
run_args_follow_expected_form = search(
fr'^SUBSCWRYPT=.* {sample.executable} .*-- .*$',
return all([
output.returncode == sample.returncode,
output.stdout == sample.stdout,
output.stderr == sample.stderr,
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