Scwrypts is a friendly CLI / API for quickly running *sandboxed scripts* in the terminal.
In modern developer / dev-ops workflows, scripts require a complex configurations.
Without a better solution, the developer is cursed to copy lines-upon-lines of variables into terminals, create random text artifacts, or maybe even commit secure credentials into source.
Scwrypts leverages ZSH to give hot-key access to run scripts in such environments.
Due to the wide variety of resources used by scripting libraries, the user is expected to manually resolve dependencies.
Dependencies are lazy-loaded, and more information can be found by command error messages or in the appropriate README.
Because Scwrypts relies on Scwrypts (see [Meta Scwrypts](./zsh/scwrypts)), `zsh` must be installed and [`junegunn/fzf`]( must be available on your PATH.
## Usage
Install Scwrypts by cloning this repository and sourcing `scwrypts.plugin.zsh` in your `zshrc`.
You can now run Scwrypts using the ZLE hotkey bound to `SCWRYPTS_SHORTCUT` (default `CTRL + W`).
- Setting the environment variable `SCWRYPTS_GROUP_LOADER__[a-z_]\+` will source the file indicated in the variable (this allows custom groups without needing to modify the `config.zsh` directly)
- In GitHub actions, `*.scwrypts.zsh` groups are detected automatically from the `$GITHUB_WORKSPACE`; set `SCWRYPTS_GITHUB_NO_AUTOLOAD=true` to disable