===================================================================== --- New Features ------------------------- - adding variables of the format `^SCWRYPTS_GROUP_LOADERS__[a-z_]\+=` will let those files be explicitly sourced during run (this should allow custom group usage in CI)
ZSH Scwrypts
Since they emulate direct user interaction, shell scripts are often the straightforward choice for task automation.
Basic Utilities
One of my biggest pet-peeves with scripting is when every line of a (insert-language-here) program is escaped to shell. This kind of program, which doesn't use language features, should be a shell script. While there are definitely unavoidable limitations to shell scripting, we can minimize a variety of problems with a modern shell and shared utilities library.
Loaded by common.zsh
, the utils/
library provides:
- common function wrappers to unify flags and context
- lazy dependency and environment variable validation
- consistent (and pretty) user input / output