===================================================================== Finally decided to port personal scripts into a standalone library. --- Release Notes ------------------------ - added support for python, zsh, and zx scripts - added support for "interactive" scripts which drop the user to a REPL - added support for passing arguments to commands - added support for python/node virtualenv management through scwrypts - added contributing and usage docs - updated zsh plugin to write commands to history - licensed under GPLv3 --- New Scripts -------------------------- zsh/scwrypts ) - configure - environment/copy - environment/delete - environment/edit - environment/synchronize - logs/clear - logs/view zsh ) - aws/ecr/login - aws/efs/mount - aws/efs/unmount - aws/route53/backup - aws/s3/media-sync/pull - aws/s3/media-sync/push python ) - redis/interactive
45 lines
1.4 KiB
45 lines
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__ERROR() { echo "\\033[1;31mERROR ✖ : $@\\033[0m" >&2; }
__SUCCESS() { echo "\\033[1;32mSUCCESS ✔ : $@\\033[0m" >&2; }
__WARNING() { echo "\\033[1;33mWARNING : $@\\033[0m" >&2; }
__STATUS() { echo "\\033[1;34mSTATUS : $@\\033[0m" >&2; }
__REMINDER() { echo "\\033[1;35mREMINDER : $@\\033[0m" >&2; }
__PROMPT() {
echo "\\033[1;36mPROMPT : $@\\033[0m" >&2
printf "\\033[1;36mUSER : \\033[0m" >&2
__Yn() {
__PROMPT "$@ [Yn]"
local Yn; __READ -k Yn; echo
[[ $Yn =~ [nN] ]] && return 1 || return 0
__yN() {
__PROMPT "$@ [yN]"
local yN; __READ -k yN; echo
[[ $yN =~ [yY] ]] && return 0 || return 1
__FAIL() { __ERROR "${@:2}"; exit $1; }
__ABORT() { __FAIL 69 'user abort'; }
echo "\\033[1;36mPROMPT : checking sudo password...\\033[0m" >&2
sudo echo hi >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/tty \
&& __SUCCESS '...authenticated!' \
|| { __ERROR 'failed :c'; return 1; }
__LESS() { less -R $@ </dev/tty >/dev/tty; }
__FZF() { fzf -i --height=30% --layout=reverse --prompt "$@ : "; }
__FZF_HEAD() { fzf -i --height=30% --layout=reverse --print-query --prompt "$@ : " | head -n1; }
__FZF_TAIL() { fzf -i --height=30% --layout=reverse --print-query --prompt "$@ : " | tail -n1; }
__READ() { read $@ </dev/tty; }
__EDIT() { $EDITOR $@ </dev/tty >/dev/tty; }