yage 96992e9344 v2.3.0

--- New Scripts --------------------------

zsh )
  latex + latex template engine
   - latex/build-pdf
   - latex/cleanup
   - latex/create-new
   - latex/get-pdf
   - latex/open-pdf

  beta SQL script -- got tired of floating this; works, but only OK
   - db/run-sql/postgres

--- Changes ------------------------------

- Added 'math', 'basic', and 'times-new-roman' templates to latex
- Added 'readlink' to list of required coreutils
- Added __INPUT to read into a variable with prompt (zsh/utils/io)
- Added $EXECUTION_DIR to interact with the user's working directory

--- Bug Fixes ----------------------------

- subscwrypts no longer force stdout/stderr to tty
2022-08-09 21:51:31 -06:00

86 lines
2.0 KiB

__PRINT() {
local COLOR="$1"
local MESSAGE="$2"
local LINE_END
[ $3 ] && LINE_END='' || LINE_END='\n'
__ERROR() { __PRINT $__RED "ERROR ✖ : $@" >&2; }
__SUCCESS() { __PRINT $__GREEN "SUCCESS ✔ : $@" >&2; }
__WARNING() { __PRINT $__ORANGE "WARNING  : $@" >&2; }
__STATUS() { __PRINT $__BLUE "STATUS : $@" >&2; }
__REMINDER() { __PRINT $__PURPLE "REMINDER  : $@" >&2; }
__INFO() { __PRINT $__WHITE "INFO  : $@" >&2; }
__PROMPT() {
__PRINT $__CYAN "PROMPT  : $@" >&2
__PRINT $__CYAN "USER  : " --no-end >&2
__FAIL() { __ERROR "${@:2}"; exit $1; }
__ABORT() { __FAIL 69 'user abort'; }
__INPUT() {
__PROMPT "${@:2}"
__READ $1
local VALUE=$(eval echo '$'$1)
[ $VALUE ]
__Yn() {
__PROMPT "$@ [Yn]"
[ $CI ] && { echo y; return 0; }
local Yn; __READ -k Yn; echo
[[ $Yn =~ [nN] ]] && return 1 || return 0
__yN() {
__PROMPT "$@ [yN]"
[ $CI ] && { echo y; return 0; }
local yN; __READ -k yN; echo
[[ $yN =~ [yY] ]] && return 0 || return 1
echo "\\033[1;36mPROMPT  : checking sudo password...\\033[0m" >&2
sudo echo hi >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/tty \
&& __SUCCESS '...authenticated!' \
|| { __ERROR 'failed :c'; return 1; }
__LESS() { less -R $@ </dev/tty >/dev/tty; }
__FZF() {
[ $CI ] && {
__ERROR 'currently in CI, but __FZF requires user input'
exit 1
fzf -i --height=30% --layout=reverse --prompt "$1 : " ${@:2}
__FZF_HEAD() { __FZF $@ --print-query | sed '/^$/d' | head -n1; } # prefer user input over selected
__FZF_TAIL() { __FZF $@ --print-query | sed '/^$/d' | tail -n1; } # prefer selected over user input
__READ() {
[ $CI ] && {
__ERROR 'currently in CI, but __READ explicitly requires terminal input'
return 1
read $@ </dev/tty
__EDIT() {
[ $CI ] && {
__ERROR 'currently in CI, but __EDIT explicitly requires terminal input'
return 1
$EDITOR $@ </dev/tty >/dev/tty