--- New Scripts --------------------------
zsh )
latex + latex template engine
- latex/build-pdf
- latex/cleanup
- latex/create-new
- latex/get-pdf
- latex/open-pdf
beta SQL script -- got tired of floating this; works, but only OK
- db/run-sql/postgres
--- Changes ------------------------------
- Added 'math', 'basic', and 'times-new-roman' templates to latex
- Added 'readlink' to list of required coreutils
- Added __INPUT to read into a variable with prompt (zsh/utils/io)
- Added $EXECUTION_DIR to interact with the user's working directory
--- Bug Fixes ----------------------------
- subscwrypts no longer force stdout/stderr to tty
--- New Scripts --------------------------
zsh )
database backup/restore
- db/postgres/pg_dump
- db/postgres/pg_restore
- aws/rds/create-backup
- aws/rds/load-backup
redis-cached curl commands
- redis/curl
youtube download
- youtube/download
- youtube/get-audio-clip
--- Changes ------------------------------
- 'scwrypts' executable now reloads upon execution to prevent staleness
- added various options to improve api/cli; see 'scwrypts --help' for more
--- Bug Fixes ----------------------------
- fixed an issue with .config settings' visibility to non-zsh scripts
- fixed an issue with command arguments globbing too early
Subscwrypts + Environment Inheritance
--- Release Notes ------------------------
- added support for environment inheritance
- added support for arbitrarily nested scripts (subscwrypts)
- added support for CI mode
- improved modularity of zsh/utils module
- refactored to move some data from ~/.config/scwrypts to ~/.local/share/scwrypts
- refactored various scripts to use new subscwrypt api
--- New Scripts --------------------------
zsh )
- db/interactive/postgres
- aws/rds/interactive-login