Big day! V4 is finally live. This INCLUDES some BREAKING CHANGES to ZSH
TYPE scwrypts! Please refer to the readme for upgrade details
(more specifically docs/upgrade/v3-to-v4.md)
Upgrade is SUPER EASY, so please take the time to do so.
--- New Features ----------------------------------------------------
- zsh type scwrypts have an upgraded runstring to improve context setup
and simplicity to the scwrypt-writer
- scwrypts now publishes the package (scwrypts) to PyPi; this provides a
simple way to invoke scwrypts from python-based environments as well
as the entire scwrypts python library suite
pip install scwrypts
- scwrypts now publishes the package (scwrypts) to npm; this provides a
simple way to invoke scwrypts from nodesjs environments
npm install scwrypts
--- Bug Fixes -------------------------------------------------------
- scwrypts runner prompts which use the zshbuiltin "read" now
appropriately read input from tty, pipe, files, and user input
- virtualenv refresh now loads and prepares the scwrypts virtual
environments correctly
--- Changes ---------------------------------------------------------
- created the (-v, --log-level) scwrypts arguments as improvements of
and replacements to the --verbose and --no-log flags
- (-n) is now an alias for (--log-level 0)
- (--no-log) is the same as (-n) for compatibility, but will be removed in 4.2
- zsh/lib/utils/io print functions now *interact with log-level* various
log levels will now only display the appropriate console prints for
the specified log level
- zsh/lib/utils/io:INFO has been renamed to DEBUG to align with
log-level output; please use DEBUG for debug messages and REMINDER for
important user messages
- created zsh/lib/utils/io:FZF_USER_INPUT as a *drop-in replacement* for
the confusing FZF_HEAD and FZF_TAIL commands. Update by literally
changing any instances of FZF_HEAD or FZF_TAIL with FZF_USER_INPUT
- FZF_HEAD and FZF_TAIL will be removed in 4.2
- zsh/lib/utils/io:READ (and other zshbuiltin/read-based prompts) now
accept a --force-user-input flag in case important checks should
require an admin's approval. This flag will ensure that piped input
and the `scwrypts -y` flag are ignored for the single prompt.
- zsh/lib/utils/color has been updated to use color names which match
the ANSI color names
- zsh/hello-world has been reduced to a minimal example; this is to
emphasize ease-of-use with v4
- zsh/sanity-check is a scwrypts/run testing helper and detailed
starting reference (helpful since hello-world is now minimal)
- various refactor, updates, and improvements to the scwrypts runner
- migrated all zsh scwrypts and plugins to use v4 runner syntax
- zsh
- plugins/kubectl
- plugins/ci
- refactored py/lib into py/lib/scwrypts (PyPi)
--- Changes ------------------------------
- scwrypts runner has new arguments
-q/--quiet allows quiet-mode operation while still logging to logfiles
-v/--verbose forces verbose mode
--version longform required (-v is now for "verbose" mode)
- scwrypts runner now auto-detects certain CLI usage, running in quiet,
logged mode if pattern match successfully identifies a single scwrypt
(or when using --name); use --verbose to override this behavior
- 'k exec' no longer requires double '--' if a '--' comes after
- old : k exec -it my-pod-0 -- -- /bin/sh
+ new : k exec -it my-pod-0 -- /bin/sh
+ still works : k -- exec -it my-pod-0 -- /bin/sh
--- Bug Fixes ----------------------------
- fixed various plugins/kubectl auto-completion settings; arguments
after '--' or profile number (e.g. 'k 1 get deployments') will now
appropriately autocomplete in the indicated profile
- helm template functions now work on related .tpl files as well
(renders from chart root)
- fixed some goofy UTF-8 icons in zsh/lib/utils/io
--- New Features -------------------------
- (experimental) scwrypts zsh plugin for interactive command selection
(like CTRL+SPACE), but allows you to build command arguments,
providing help dialogue for the selected command
--- New Scripts --------------------------
- zsh/misc/tally ) helps keep tally-counts of things; helpful when
running long scripts "what iteration am I on"