2019-04-16 10:31:01 -06:00

26 lines
768 B

" -- Settings --------------------------------------------
set lbr " automatically wraps text
set formatoptions=l " prevents the breaking up of words
set breakindent " indent for single-line wrap
set breakindentopt=shift:3 " indent amout for single-line wrap
let &t_Co=256 " use 256-color
set number " show line numbers
syntax on " detect syntax
set autoindent " match indentation with next line
set smartindent " match indentation with syntax
set spelllang=en " spell check language is english
set spellfile=$RC_DIR/en.utf-8.add " spell file
" -- Key bindings ----------------------------------------
" <SPACE> to execute macro on q
:nnoremap <Space> @q
" Q to replace current line/selection with bash execution
:noremap Q !!$SHELL<CR>
:vnoremap Q !$SHELL<CR>