finally going to commit that zshrc refactor - smolvsdefault on altaria - i3-utils refactor - no need for custom scwrypt executable anymore - time to say goodbye to the old dotwryn.env in favor of the new and improved rc.ds - vim/rc.d refactor + QuickREPL and QuickCommand replacements for \r and \t - going to stop tracking Archives explicitly until new hard drive - tty-colorscheme is now referenced directly - colorscheme/spring-sunset needed to swap primary/secondary colors for focus in i3 since it was confusing - setup config no longer needs to create ~/.config/wryn/env.vim; added some dependencies to arch-linux - switch from dmenu to rofi by default; allow .i3 overrides in colorschemes; tty-colorscheme is now referenced directly
54 lines
1.8 KiB
Executable File
54 lines
1.8 KiB
Executable File
case $1 in
( next | previous | play-pause ) playerctl $1 ;;
( fastforward ) playerctl position 5+ ;;
( rewind ) playerctl position 5- ;;
( volumedown ) scwrypts -n desktop pulseaudio -- sink down ;;
( volumeup ) scwrypts -n desktop pulseaudio -- sink up ;;
( volumemute ) scwrypts -n desktop pulseaudio -- sink mute ;;
( micmute ) scwrypts -n desktop pulseaudio -- source mute ;;
( backlightup ) scwrypts -n desktop backlight -- up ;;
( backlightdown ) scwrypts -n desktop backlight -- down ;;
( lock ) scwrypts -n desktop lock i3 -- ;;
( bgrandomize ) scwrypts desktop set i3 background -- random ;;
( logout ) scwrypts desktop i3 logout -- ;;
( launch )
local ARGS=()
case $2 in
messages ) PROGRAM=slack ARGS+=(-c Slack --has-statusbar-icon) ;;
voice ) PROGRAM=google-voice-desktop ;;
ytmusic ) PROGRAM=youtubemusic-nativefier ;;
1pass ) PROGRAM=1password ARGS+=(-c 1Password) ;;
discord ) PROGRAM=discord ARGS+=(--has-statusbar-icon) ;;
obs ) PROGRAM=obs ARGS+=(-c '^obs' -n -l --has-statusbar-icon) ;;
pavuctrl ) PROGRAM=pavucontrol ARGS+=(-s 0.5 -c '^Pavucontrol') ;;
scrcpy ) PROGRAM=scrcpy ARGS+=(-n -l) ;;
spotify ) PROGRAM=spotify ARGS+=(-c Spotify) ;;
* ) PROGRAM=$2 ;;
scwrypts i3 launch or show -- $PROGRAM ${ARGS[@]}
( screenshot )
command -v deepin-screen-recorder || notify-send "I3 UTILS" "no screenshot application available"
: \
&& echo "fixing stupid settings" \
&& sed '/specifiedSavepath=.*home.*Pictures/d' $DEEPIN_CONFIG.bak > $DEEPIN_CONFIG \