finally going to commit that zshrc refactor - smolvsdefault on altaria - i3-utils refactor - no need for custom scwrypt executable anymore - time to say goodbye to the old dotwryn.env in favor of the new and improved rc.ds - vim/rc.d refactor + QuickREPL and QuickCommand replacements for \r and \t - going to stop tracking Archives explicitly until new hard drive - tty-colorscheme is now referenced directly - colorscheme/spring-sunset needed to swap primary/secondary colors for focus in i3 since it was confusing - setup config no longer needs to create ~/.config/wryn/env.vim; added some dependencies to arch-linux - switch from dmenu to rofi by default; allow .i3 overrides in colorschemes; tty-colorscheme is now referenced directly
72 lines
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72 lines
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nnoremap <Leader>ec :execute b:executeDefault<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>ei :execute b:executeInteractive<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>eb :execute b:executeBuild<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>ef :execute b:executeFormat<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>et :execute b:executeTest<CR>
" --- (e)xe(c)ute -----------------------------------------------------
" (i)nteractive
" (b)uild
" auto-(f)ormat
" (t)ests
" {{{
augroup file_specific_commands
autocmd FileType * let b:executeDefault = "call ExecuteCommand('%:p', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd FileType * let b:executeInteractive = "call ExecuteCommand('%:p ' . input(expand('%').' -- '), 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd FileType * let b:executeBuild = "echohl ErrorMsg | echom 'ERROR: no build steps defined' | echohl None"
autocmd FileType * let b:executeFormat = "%s/\\s\\+$//"
autocmd FileType * let b:executeTest = "echohl ErrorMsg | echom 'ERROR: no test steps defined' | echohl None"
autocmd FileType go let b:executeDefault = "!clear<CR><CR>q:?GoRun<CR><CR>"
autocmd FileType go let b:executeFormat = "<Plug>(go-imports)"
autocmd FileType go nnoremap <silent> gd <Plug>(go-def-tab)
autocmd FileType markdown let b:executeDefault = '!google-chrome-stable %:p'
autocmd FileType python let b:executeDefault = "call ExecuteCommand('python %:p', 'split-pane-vertical')"
autocmd FileType python let b:executeInteractive = "call ExecuteCommand('bpython -qi %:p ' . input(expand('%').' -- '), 'split-pane-vertical')"
autocmd FileType tex let b:executeDefault = 'call ExecuteScwrypt("latex/open-pdf", "%:p")'
autocmd FileType tex let b:executeBuild = 'call ExecuteScwrypt("latex/build-pdf", "%:p")'
autocmd FileType tex let b:executeFormat = 'call ExecuteScwrypt("latex/cleanup", "%:p")'
autocmd FileType yaml let b:scwryptDefault = "--group scwrypts --type zsh --name helm/get-template "
autocmd FileType yaml let b:scwryptBuild = "--group scwrypts --type zsh --name helm/update-dependencies "
autocmd FileType yaml let b:scwryptArgs = "--template-filename %:p "
autocmd FileType yaml let b:executeDefault = 'call ExecuteScwrypt(b:scwryptDefault, b:scwryptArgs . "--raw ", "split-pane-vertical", "yaml")'
autocmd FileType yaml let b:executeInteractive = 'call ExecuteScwryptInteractive(b:scwryptDefault, b:scwryptArgs, "split-pane-vertical", "yaml")'
autocmd FileType yaml let b:executeBuild = 'call ExecuteScwrypt(b:scwryptBuild, b:scwryptArgs, "split-pane-vertical", "yaml")'
autocmd FileType yaml let b:executeTest = 'call ExecuteScwrypt(b:scwryptDefault, b:scwryptArgs, "split-pane-vertical", "yaml")'
autocmd FileType rust let b:executeDefault = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo run --quiet\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile */Cargo.toml let b:executeDefault = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo run --quiet\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd FileType rust let b:executeInteractive = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo run --quiet -- ' . input('cargo run -- ') . '\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile */Cargo.toml let b:executeInteractive = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo run --quiet -- ' . input('cargo run -- ') . '\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd FileType rust let b:executeBuild = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo build\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile */Cargo.toml let b:executeBuild = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo build\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd FileType rust let b:executeTest = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo test\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile */Cargo.toml let b:executeTest = "call ExecuteCommand('zsh -c \"cd %:p:h; cargo test\"', 'split-pane-horizontal')"
" --- OVERRIDES ---------------------------- "
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:scwryptsType = ""
autocmd FileType zsh.scwrypts let b:scwryptsType = "zsh"
autocmd FileType python.scwrypts let b:scwryptsType = "py"
autocmd FileType javascript.scwrypts let b:scwryptsType = "zx"
autocmd FileType typescript.scwrypts let b:scwryptsType = "zx"
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:scwryptsSubPath = substitute(substitute(expand("%:p"), ".*\.scwrypts/", "", ""), "^".b:scwryptsType."/", "", "")
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:scwryptsAutoName = b:scwryptsType . " " . substitute(substitute(b:scwryptsSubPath, ".[a-z]\\+$", "", ""), "/", " ", "g") . " "
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:scwryptsPrevArgs = ' '
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:scwryptsEnvs = split(system('scwrypts --list-envs'), '\n')
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:scwryptsEnvChoices = split(system('echo SCWRYPTS_ENV=; scwrypts --list-envs | awk "{print \"\"NR\". \"\$0}"'), '\n')
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:executeDefault = "call ExecuteScwrypt(b:scwryptsAutoName, ' ', 'split-pane-vertical')"
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:executeInteractive = "call ExecuteScwryptInteractive(b:scwryptsAutoName, ' ', 'split-pane-vertical')"
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:executeBuild = "let $SCWRYPTS_ENV=b:scwryptsEnvs[inputlist(b:scwryptsEnvChoices) - 1]"
autocmd FileType *.scwrypts let b:executeTest = "call ExecuteScwrypt(b:scwryptsAutoName, b:scwryptsPrevArgs, 'split-pane-vertical')"
augroup end
" }}}