--- # used by scwrypts i3 generate config (override at ~/.config/i3/local.yaml) font: size: 14 family: >- pango:Monaspace Argon, pango:Noto Color Emoji, pango:Symbols Nerd Font, FontAwesome application-launcher: >- "rofi -theme $DOTWRYN/config/rofi.theme.rasi -modes drun,run -show run" # application-launcher: >- # dmenu_run -c -l 5 -fn 'DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font-25' gaps: inner: 0 outer: 0 statusbar: # supported values are 'polybar' and 'i3status' type: polybar # a list of i3conifg excerpts that should be appended to the generated config i3configs: []