# Colors are organized into (Foreground)(Background) bits as seen below:
# ========
# 1 - Directory 
# 2 - Symbolic link
# 3 - Socket
# 4 - Pipe
# 5 - Executable
# 6 - Block special
# 7 - Character special
# 8 - Executable with setgid bit set
# 9 - Executable with setgid bit set
# 10- Directory writable to others, with sticky bit
# 11- Directory writable to others, without sticky bit
# ========
# a	black
# b	red
# c	green
# d	brown
# e	blue
# f	magenta
# g	cyan
# h	light grey
# x	default

# actual colorscheme
export LSCOLORS="ExxxxxDxBxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

# for OSX, fixes spacing issues

# default ls to use defined colorscheme
alias ls='ls -G'