" -- Environment Variables --------------------------------------- {{{ source $HOME/.wryn/env/env.vim "sets the following variables: "$RC_DIR $VIM_DIR $WRYNVIMRC $WRYNBASH $MYBASHRC $WEBBROWSER set encoding=utf-8 " set italics characters set t_ZH= set t_ZR= let mapleader = "\\" "let localmapleader = ',' " Load Vundle first if isdirectory(expand("$HOME/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim")) source $VIM_DIR/vundle.vim endif source $VIM_DIR/global_sets.vim source $VIM_DIR/file_formatting.vim source $VIM_DIR/edit_rc.vim source $VIM_DIR/abbreviations.vim source $VIM_DIR/window_pane_navigation.vim source $VIM_DIR/my_colors.vim augroup general_bindings " {{{ " to execute macro on q nnoremap @q " Q to replace current line/selection with bash execution vnoremap Q !$SHELL nnoremap Q !!$SHELL " \d to insert formatted date before/after cursor nnoremap di :let @d = system("date '+%A, %B %-d, %Y'")id nnoremap da :let @d = system("date '+%A, %B %-d, %Y'")a d " \c \v to copy/paste from xclip " @TODO: learn how to freaking compile vim with x11 compatibility so these " aren't necessary :) vnoremap c :w !xclip nnoremap v o!!xclip -o " \b for git blame nnoremap b :set termwinsize=15*0:execute "terminal git blame -L " .eval(line(".")-5) . ",+10 %":set termwinsize& " \s previous selection command nnoremap sq :'<,'> nnoremap sc :'<,'>w !xclip " \q for `q:` nnoremap q q: " \t for rerun last 'test' command: nnoremap t q:?test " \f for fold nnoremap f z nnoremap f z " append current line to the line below nnoremap j ddpkJ " - to move the current line one below where it is nnoremap - :m +1 nnoremap _ :m -2 " - (insert mode) set current word to upper-case inoremap viwUea " }}} augroup end