diff --git a/config/i3/config b/config/i3/config index 300c171..8c6c9d6 100644 --- a/config/i3/config +++ b/config/i3/config @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ mode "resize" { # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height. # Pressing down will grow the window’s height. bindsym h resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt - bindsym j resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt - bindsym k resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt + bindsym j resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt + bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym l resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt # back to normal: Enter or Escape or $mod+r