removed 'os specific plugins' since they suck'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
function DMENU__NEW_COMMAND() {
local BIN="$HOME/.local/custom-dmenu";
local HELP_STRING='\ncorrect syntax:\nDMENU__NEW_COMMAND [ name or "test" ] [ command .. args ]\n';
[[ "$1" == help ]] && {
return 0;
[ ! -d $BIN ] && mkdir $BIN;
# fail if no command is provided
[ ! $2 ] && return 1;
[[ "$1" != "test" ]] && {
echo "${@:2}" > "$BIN/$1" 2>/dev/null \
&& chmod +x "$BIN/$1" \
&& echo "Command '$1' saved! ('${@:2}')" \
|| { echo "Something went wrong :c \n"; echo "$HELP_STRING"; }
} || {
echo -e "saved to : \e[32m$BIN/$1\e[0m";
echo -e "executes : \e[31m${@:2}\e[0m";
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# Colors are organized into (Foreground)(Background) bits as seen below:
# ========
# 1 - Directory
# 2 - Symbolic link
# 3 - Socket
# 4 - Pipe
# 5 - Executable
# 6 - Block special
# 7 - Character special
# 8 - Executable with setgid bit set
# 9 - Executable with setgid bit set
# 10- Directory writable to others, with sticky bit
# 11- Directory writable to others, without sticky bit
# ========
# a black
# b red
# c green
# d brown
# e blue
# f magenta
# g cyan
# h light grey
# x default
# actual colorscheme
export LSCOLORS="ExxxxxDxBxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# for OSX, fixes spacing issues
# default ls to use defined colorscheme
alias ls='ls -G'
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
function voicesed() { sed 's/\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/;'; }
function voicelist() { say -v ? | voicesed; }
function voicelistenglish() { say -v ? | grep 'en_' | voicesed; }
function voicerandom() { voicelistenglish | shuf -n 1; }
function voicelistnormal() {
voicelistenglish |
sed '/Trinoids/d;/Zarvox/d;/Deranged/d;/Hysterical/d;/Bahh/d;/Bubbles/d'
function voicerandomnormal() { voicelistnormal | shuf -n 1; }
function sayvoices() {
for voice in $(voicelist); do
say -v "$voice" $(say -v ? | grep $voice | sed 's/[^#]*# //');
function sayone() {
local voice=$(voicerandom);
say -v "$voice" $(say -v ? | grep $voice | sed 's/[^#]*# //');
function meme {
local DIRECTORY="$HOME/Pictures/jest";
[ ! -d $DIRECTORY ] && echo "No meme directory found :c";
imgcat $DIRECTORY/$1
_meme () { # autocompletion
# Set
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(ls $HOME/Pictures/jest)" -- $cur) )
complete -F _meme meme;
function pika {
local DIRECTORY="$HOME/Pictures/pika";
[ ! -d $DIRECTORY ] && echo "Pikachu directory required." && exit 1;
# count the pikas
IMAGE_COUNT=$(ls -l $DIRECTORY | wc -l);
# pick a random gif from the pikachu directory
imgcat $IMAGE
alias pikabox='while true; do reset; pika; sleep 120; done'
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
function osxtimer() {
# dependency check
#termdown --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo osxtimer requires 'termdown'; exit 1; }
#lolcat --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || lolcatError='`lolcat` is not installed';
#figlet --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || figletError='`figlet` is not installed';
# set defaults
local msg;
local timestring='10s';
local voice;
local critical;
local dontsaycountdown;
local dontsaymessage;
local dowait;
local dontdisplaymessage;
local displayHelp;
unset OPTIND;
while getopts "MVTYhwm:t:c:v:" opt; do
case $opt in
m) msg=$OPTARG ;; # optional message
M) dontdisplaymessage=t ;; # don't display message (but maybe say it)
t) timestring=$OPTARG ;; # termdown countdown string
c) critical=$OPTARG ;; # optional critical seconds remaining
v) voice=$OPTARG ;; # optional voice for critical seconds remaining
V) voice=$(voicerandom) ;; # select random voice
T) dontsaycountdown=t; ;; # don't readout countdown
V) dontsaymessage=t; ;; # don't readout message after countdown
w) dowait=t; ;; # don't wait for user input after the timer
h) displayHelp=t; ;; # display help message
:) echo option -$OPTARG requires an argument; displayHelp=t;
unset OPTIND;
# exit on fail
if [ $displayHelp ]; then
printf "
Correct usage:
[-t]\t countdown amount as a timestring used in 'termdown'
[-m]\t display message after countdown is finished
[-c]\t critical seconds param for 'termdown'
[-v]\t 'say' voice used for reading the message and countdown
[-V]\t select random voice for message and timer readout
[-T]\t used with -v or -V :: don't readout the countdown
[-Y]\t used with -v or -V :: don't readout the message
[-w]\t wait for user input after the timer
return 1;
# verify that the voice exists
say -v ? | grep $voice >/dev/null 2>&1 || unset voice;
local termdownargs="$timestring ";
[[ $critical ]] && termdownargs="$termdownargs -c $critical";
[[ $voice ]] && [ -z $dontsaycountdown ] && termdownargs="$termdownargs -v $voice";
termdown $termdownargs;
[[ $msg ]] && [ -z $dontdisplaymessage ] && figlet "$msg" | lolcat;
[[ $voice ]] && [ -z $dontsaymessage ] && say -v "$voice" "$msg";
[[ $dowait ]] && read -n 1; # wait for user input
function rdexercise() {
local message='Plank time!';
local delay='1h30m';
local count;
# flagged arguments
unset OPTIND;
while getopts "m:t:c:" opt; do
case $opt in
m) message=$OPTARG ;; # optional message
t) timeout=$OPTARG ;; # termdown countdown string
c) count=$OPTARG ;; # length of exercise as a timestring
unset OPTIND;
# operation loop
while true; do
rdstart >/dev/null 2>&1;
clear; osxtimer -VT -m "$message" -t "$delay";
rdplank >/dev/null 2>&1;
read -n 1; clear;
[[ $count ]] && osxtimer -c 10 -m "Done" -v "$(voicerandomnormal)" -t "$count";
alias planktimer='rdexercise -c';
alias pushuptimer='rdexercise -m "Push-up time!" -t "1h" -c';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user