2019-06-07 16:13:06 -06:00
" -- Environment Variables --------------------------------------- {{{
2020-01-08 12:40:53 -07:00
source $HOME/.wryn/env/env.vim
2019-09-26 10:46:38 -06:00
"sets the following variables:
2019-09-26 16:00:03 -06:00
2019-06-07 16:13:06 -06:00
2019-12-30 23:44:40 -07:00
set encoding=utf-8
2020-02-06 09:47:59 -07:00
" set italics characters
set t_ZH=[3m
set t_ZR=[23m
2019-06-07 16:13:06 -06:00
let mapleader = "\\"
"let localmapleader = ','
2019-09-22 15:00:32 -06:00
" Load Vundle first
2019-09-26 16:00:03 -06:00
source $VIM_DIR/vundle.vim
2019-08-06 14:41:27 -06:00
2019-09-26 16:00:03 -06:00
source $VIM_DIR/global_sets.vim
source $VIM_DIR/file_formatting.vim
source $VIM_DIR/edit_rc.vim
source $VIM_DIR/abbreviations.vim
source $VIM_DIR/window_pane_navigation.vim
source $VIM_DIR/my_colors.vim
2019-09-06 11:54:42 -06:00
2019-04-16 10:31:01 -06:00
" <SPACE> to execute macro on q
2019-06-07 16:13:06 -06:00
nnoremap <Space> @q
2019-04-16 10:31:01 -06:00
" Q to replace current line/selection with bash execution
2019-06-07 16:13:06 -06:00
vnoremap Q !$SHELL<CR>
nnoremap Q !!$SHELL<CR>
" \q for `q:`
nnoremap <Leader>q q:
2019-09-26 16:00:03 -06:00
" \t for rerun last 'test' command:
2019-08-20 09:52:04 -06:00
nnoremap <Leader>t q:?test<CR><CR>
2019-06-07 16:13:06 -06:00
" \f for fold
nnoremap <Leader>f z
nnoremap <Leader>f z
" append current line to the line below
nnoremap <Leader>j ddpkJ
" - to move the current line one below where it is
nnoremap - :m +1 <CR>
nnoremap _ :m -2 <CR>
" - (insert mode) set current word to upper-case
inoremap <c-u> <esc>viwUea