2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% - To anyone who has found this, -
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% - -
% - A special welcome to you! Throughout the comments you'll find my -
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
% - "unabridged" resume. This includes some endeavours I'm proud of, -
% - but which don't quite fit into my "honed" version. Feel free to -
% - ask me any questions you might have about any of them too! -
% - -
% - Thanks again for stopping by! -
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
% - -
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\documentclass [letterpaper,11pt] { article}
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2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
\newcommand { \authorName } { Wryn (yage) Wagner}
\newcommand { \phone } { \textsf { (720) 557-5443} }
2022-04-04 11:05:27 -06:00
\newcommand { \email } { \textsl { wryn@yage.io} }
\newcommand { \github } { \textsl { github.com/wrynegade} }
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\newcommand { \myMajor } { Computer Science}
\newcommand { \myMinor } { Mathematics}
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2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
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2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\begin { document}
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Education -------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\begin { Large} \textbf { \\ Education} \end { Large}
2022-04-04 11:05:27 -06:00
%\textbf{PhD Symbolic Artificial Intelligence}\hfill 2021 to Present\\
%Utah State University, Logan, Utah
% \item Emphasis on inference and natural language generation\\
2021-01-30 17:24:28 -07:00
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
\textbf { B.S. Computer Science with Mathematics Minor} \hfill Graduated December 2020\\
Utah State University, Logan, Utah%\hfill 3.7 GPA
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Presidential Scholarship (Academic Full-Tuition)
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
% \item Worked 20 to 30 hours per week during the school year while maintaining between 16 and 18 credits\\
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\end { itemize}
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
%\textbf{Relevant Coursework}
% \item Discrete Mathematics
% \item Algorithm Design and Computational Complexity (PhD level)
% \item Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
% \item Agile Software Engineering
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Technical and Work Skills ---------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\begin { Large} \textbf { \\ Technical and Work Skills} \end { Large}
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\textbf { Software and Technology Proficiency} \\
Linux\hfill Kubernetes\hfill Docker\hfill \LaTeX \hfill ViM\hfill Django\hfill AWS\hfill Redis\hfill Twilio\hfill Angular\hfill Material Design\\
Python \hfill JavaScript \hfill SH\hfill Go\hfill CLISP\hfill C / C++\hfill C\# \hfill Java\hfill Matlab\hfill PHP
% doing some serious endeavours in Rust right now! :)
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
\noindent \textbf { Communication and Language}
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Value strong communication and embrace team environments
\item Driven public speaker
\item Fluent in Spanish both written and oral (formal and idiomatic)
\end { itemize}
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Work History ----------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
\begin { Large} \textbf { \\ Work History} \end { Large}
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\textbf { Directus} \textit { (Fully Remote)} . Site Reliability Engineer \hfill April 2022 - Present
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\item Design, implement, and maintain a globally distributed, customer-facing software platform
\item Optimize spend on cloud infrastructure across multiple providers, regions, and availability zones
\item Integrate visibility technology with recovery and notification systems
\item Engage with development, operations, outreach, and technical sales to identify platform bottlenecks
\item Serve as lead disaster recovery specialist by covering 24/7 on-call response
\item Report on platform incidents by providing precise, root-cause evidence
\item Lead R\& D, demonstrate proof of concept, and convert successful experiments into roadmaps
\item Provide advanced customer support including solutions consulting, infrastructure inspection, and database maintenance
\item Train technical teams in complex, modern technologies (especially Kubernetes)
\item Major Projects \begin { itemize} [noitemsep, topsep=0pt]
\item Migrate thousands of client deployments from an existing Amazon ECS solution to a scalable, Kubernetes-based deployment. As a solo project, every aspect was designed and implemented from scratch including automated Kubernetes cluster spin-up/configuration, global-scale deployment conversion, and systems monitoring. Completed on a \textit { very} tight deadline with zero-downtime across thousands of projects.
\item Create a reporting system to break down terse, cloud expenditure into sales-compatible granularity. Gives clear cost insights into a multi-provider platform, which is critical for business planning and sales decisions.\\
\end { itemize}
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
\end { itemize}
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
\textbf { Rent Dynamics} \textit { (Logan UT)} . Site Reliability Engineer \hfill August 2020 - April 2022
2021-01-30 17:24:28 -07:00
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Participate in R\& D and demonstrate proof of concept for new technology
\item Assist in team training for new technology and architecture
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
\item Maintain server health including on call support and maintenance for critical system outages
\item Major Projects \begin { itemize} [noitemsep, topsep=0pt]
\item Upgrade deprecated stack for a large scale project. Upgraded Linux, Django, PostgreSQL, and performed major refactors to a robust codebase.
2022-04-04 11:05:27 -06:00
\item Transfer a transactional database interaction to a Redis-based solution on a major traffic endpoint. Included transition from C\# on a Windows server to a load-balanced Django solution backed by Linux. Solution manages millions of transactions per second.
\item Create and maintain an automated, cross-platform, developer setup script. This keeps our developers' machines up-to-date, and provides a unified solution-base for development.
\item Containerize applications and create new, automated Kubernetes deployments.\\
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
\end { itemize}
2021-01-30 17:24:28 -07:00
\end { itemize}
\textbf { Rent Dynamics} \textit { (Logan UT)} . Junior Software Developer \hfill January 2019 - August 2020
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Full-stack development for production-scale lead management software\\ Driven by: Node.js, AngularJS, and React\qquad \quad Backed by: Django, Entity framework (.NET core)
\item Complete deadlines and communicate as a member of an Agile development team
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
\item Major Projects \begin { itemize} [noitemsep, topsep=0pt]
\item Prototyped, built, and supported a remote, IoT door-traffic counter for client offices. A configured raspberry pi received signals from coin-cell operated sensors and sent a custom-encoded SMS to our database on a daily basis.
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\item Designed, prototyped, and implemented an automated property touring application. Included rapid adaptations in anticipation of the COVID-19 Pandemic, allowing for virtual tour options and the disabling of in-person tours when on-site agents reported exposure to COVID-19.\\
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
\end { itemize}
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\end { itemize}
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
\textbf { Smith's/Starbucks} \textit { (Logan UT)} . Barista \hfill May 2018 - January 2019
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Remembered customers' names, tastes, and favorite orders while simultaneously brewing coffee, preparing food, cleaning, and promoting seasonal specials.
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\item Lead and prepare coffee tastings, including pastry or food pairings
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\item Through taste and smell alone, learned to identify a coffee's origin across several world regions\\
\end { itemize}
\textbf { SevOne} \textit { (Highlands Ranch CO)} . Systems Engineer Intern \hfill January 2014 - May 2014
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Created a PHP solution to ingest performance data into the SevOne platform for Comcast and Zayo\\
\end { itemize}
\textbf { Mathematics Tutor} \textit { (Highlands Ranch CO)} . \hfill August 2012 - May 2014
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Performed one-on-one tutoring for topics of mathematics ranging from Algebra to Calculus
\item Helped students overcome challenges and achieve high grades by breaking concepts into palpable fundamentals and helping fill students' foundational gaps
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\item Prepared weekly lessons, solidifying my own understanding of groundwork mathematics
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\end { itemize}
%\textbf{Highlands Ranch Community Association} \textit{Highlands Ranch CO}. Lifeguard II \hfill August 2011 - May 2014
% \item Maintained active International Lifeguarding Association license through Ellis and Associates
% \item Completed weekly life-saving and emergency training
% \item Rendered immediate first-aid to health incidents throughout the entire facility
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -- Volunteer History ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2021-01-30 17:24:28 -07:00
\begin { Large} \textbf { \\ Extracurricular} \end { Large}
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\textbf { Secular Hub (Community Member and Volunteer).} \textit { March 2023 - Present}
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Help create a safe community space for nonreligious individuals and families
\item Organize (and perform at) a monthly music/talent night\\
\end { itemize}
\textbf { ``The Huddle'' (Organization Chair).} \textit { 2021 - 2022}
2022-04-04 11:05:27 -06:00
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\item Introduce developers and students to open source through activities and presentations
\item Develop and maintain community projects\\
% \item \url{https://github.com/TheHuddle} and \url{https://codehuddle.org}
2022-04-04 11:05:27 -06:00
\end { itemize}
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\textbf { Volunteer Service (Rosario, Argentina).} \textit { October 2015 - October 2017}
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Provided disaster relief to small \textit { pueblitos} affected by tornadoes and prolonged flooding
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\item Immersed in local culture and built long-lasting connections and friendships\\
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\end { itemize}
\textbf { HackUSU (Club Board Member).} \textit { 2018 Calendar Year}
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Prepared and directed the annual Hackathon for Utah State University in 2018
\item Overhauled and maintained the club website
\item Formally corresponded with sponsors and performed outreach to potential sponsors\\
\end { itemize}
\textbf { Aggie Game Nights (Club Board Member).} \textit { 2018 Calendar Year}
\begin { itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Planned, documented, and attended weekly board meetings
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
\item Advertised and hosted a board game tournament quarterly
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
\end { itemize}
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
%\textbf{Free Software Linux Club (Club Member).} \textit{January 2017 to May 2022}
2022-04-04 11:05:27 -06:00
% \item Explore Linux distributions and contribute to open source projects
% \item During the summer months, create weekly programming challenges with automated testing
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -- References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-07-30 20:38:38 -06:00
%\textit{\\available upon request}
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
2022-08-10 00:13:20 -06:00
%\textbf{Skyler Cain - Former CTO of Rent Dynamics}
% \item skylercain@gmail.com \textit{(perferred)}
% \item \url{https://www.linkedin.com/in/skylercain}\\
%\textbf{Levi Howa - VP of Technology of Rent Dynamics}
% \item levicusrodcet@gmail.com \textit{(perferred)}
% \item \url{https://www.linkedin.com/in/levi-howa}\\
%\textbf{Haitao Wang - Professor}
% \item Haitao.Wang@usu.edu \textit{(perferred)}
% \item (435) 797-2416\\
%\textbf{Josef Wagner - Personal Reference}
% \item josefwagnerus@gmail.com \textit{(perferred)}
% \item (208) 713-3929
2021-02-05 15:50:18 -07:00
2020-09-10 09:37:26 -06:00
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -- End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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\end { document}