This is a compilation of utilities which I use across machines.
I expect this to be a lifelong struggle to get everything to work the second that I'm on a new machine, but I have yet to have a flawless transfer from one machine to the next.
Despite my failures (so far) in a *perfect* transfer installation, I have found this project to have sped up my transferring between machines immensely.
When I'm working on multiple machines, a simple `git pull` will keep all of my shell and VI scripts in sync.
So I suppose here is the disclaimer: **this repo is principally for personal utility**.
Sometimes there are local machine dependencies which will cause (particularly setup) utilities to fail.
Feel free to use or adapt anything you find useful, just leave credit where credit is due :)
## File Structure Breakdown
Here's a little breakdown of what each directory may contain (in no particular order).
### [bash](./bash)
It contains `bash` aliases and functions which might be placed in a `~/.bashrc` to be called from the command line.
I have found it personally useful to break these out into topical groupings or modules.
All modules which are found directly within `~/.wryn/bash` will be loaded across all operating systems, while specific operating systems architectures will each have their own specified modules (e.g. [`~/.wryn/bash/linux`](./bash/linux) or [`~/.wryn/bash/osx`](./bash/osx)).
The `template.tex` file is the parent of the document, and thus the target of the latex compiler.
This can be renamed to match the document title, but typically does not contain the document body.
Every template will use the same parent `template.tex` file, so this is found at the [`~/.wryn/latex`](./latex) directory root.
The remaining three files will vary from template to template, but should be copied to the same directory as `template.tex` when creating a working document.
The two style files, `imports.sty` and `formatting.sty` manage external imports and document styling (respectively), while the `body.tex` should contain the document's text and text-specific commands.
There are [shell utilities](./zsh/latex) which facilitate their copying for general use.