2022-08-22 16:40:57 -06:00
# standard AWS environment variables used by awscli and other tools
export AWS_ACCOUNT=088935110352 # inherited from local
export AWS_PROFILE=yage # inherited from local
export AWS_REGION=us-east-2 # inherited from local
# fully-qualified path to mount the EFS drive
export AWS__EFS__LOCAL_MOUNT_POINT=/mnt/efs/yage # inherited from local
# s3 bucket name and filesystem targets for media backups
export AWS__S3__MEDIA_BUCKET=yage # inherited from local
export AWS__S3__MEDIA_TARGETS=($S3_SYNC_MEDIA) # inherited from local
# custom i3 configuration settings
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2022-08-22 21:27:20 -06:00
export I3__DMENU_FONT_SIZE=20
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2022-08-22 16:40:57 -06:00
export I3__MODEL_CONFIG=$DOTWRYN/config/i3.conf # inherited from local
# redis connection credentials
export REDIS_AUTH=
export REDIS_HOST=
export REDIS_PORT=